- the burning bush outside is turning red, this only happens at the end of summer.
- the lyrics for summer fades to fall by faber drive are making more and more sense
- my neighbour who starts JK tomorrow has been carrying her school stuff around 24/7
- I resent my uniform more then ever
- there's stuff for lunch in the fridge for once
- my neighbour who's a teacher is going back to work
- i resent that my clock says its already noon
- got my hair done for school
- thinking of how my hair / makeup should be done
- struggling to wake up early this past week
- fall clothes are comming out in stores
- i need new warm clothes
- we've looked back at things we didnt get to do this summer and plan to do them next year
- mom and i are arguing more
- my fueding neighbours have stopped feuding
- its not even 9 and it looks like it could be 10
ive watched all the kids on my street grow up so much, samantha starts JK tomorrow. knowing that in some small way i've helped them out makes me want to hold on to summer even more!! im sorry i wont get to see them on there first day back to school. but tomorrow should be an interesting day, summer was well spent and im really sad its over. but if this school year is like last in anyway i hope it goes by just as fast so next summer can happen soon. ive never been this emotional or wanted to cry this much because summer is over. this is the first year i can look back and say i did exciting new trying things, and have helped in some very special and important was, it wouldnt be a lie to say that summer of '09 has simply been a blast and i wish it would last forever. summer '09 will be missed <3
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