Sunday, September 27, 2009

my simple definition

Webster's New World Dictionary AND Thesauraus

love (luv) n. 1. strong affection or liking for someone or something 2. a passionate affection of one person for another 3. the object of suck affection; a sweetheart or lover 4. Tennis a score of zero - vt., vi. to feel love (for) - fall in love (with) to begin to feel love (for) - in love feeling love - make love 1 to woo, embrace, etc. 2 to have sexual intercourse - lov'able or love'able adj. - loveless adj.

MY definition

Love for yourself is when you know that you are imperfectly perfect. Meaning, you know you have your imperfections, but you also know that these imperfections are what make you who you are, and you wouldn't change these imperfections for anyone.

Love for another is when you see someone and know they are perfectly imperfect. This means that you think all of thier imperfections are perfect even if they think otherwise. You would never want this person to change and you really don't notice their imperfections because to you their imperfections are pretty much perfect. In a simple way, to you the sun shines out this persons ass.

When you really love someone you love them for who they are, not what they have. You cherish the small moments that make things perfect, not the flashy moments that cause strife. You never lose faith in the person no matter how much they fuck up. You're willing to throw yourself infront of a bus for this person, take a bullet for them, and be put through hell and back all in one day. You really know, deep deep down, that no one else in this world will ever be right for you no matter how much they may try. When you love someone treat them this way, don't play kindergarten games and act like an ass when you like someone. These apply to both males and females because lets face it, the one person you really love makes your stomach turn and you feel like you're going to puke everytime you see them, but their the one person your willing to feel this way for, so don't let that someone go.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

<3 ??

omg this feeling is driving me crazy. and its even crazier cause we barely know each other, like at all. to bad your in my head all the time. but i know its one of those things that will never get to be more then a crush oh well thats just to bad.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

i need a little good luck to get me by this time

Okay! Let's gather 'round the camp fire and get some things out in the open, shall we? (both things are about different people)

It's not that I'm not happy for you both, because I totally am, let's not forget that. I know what will happen though. It happens everytime. I'll be forgotten. Who needs a best girl-friend when you have a girlfriend, right. You'll only talk to the guys and barely talk to me, which sucks because we really only just got close again. Some may say it's jealousy which it isn't but whatever, let them think that. I'm willing to try if you are though, no not dating, just staying friends. I'm always there but you seem to forget it, and your to egotistical to be told anything negative about you, and really you should totally see when your being a jerk and abandoning someone you call your bestfriend and sister. So I don't know maybe being friends won't workout, but you haven't been together long and it's already happening. I'm not here to tell you to make a choice I'm just here to say don't forget what you have now, what you'll have during and after this realationship, and hopefully you'll think twice about letting that go.

On a brighter note, you make me smile, and keep me lost in thought. To bad you don't know I exist and to bad I would throw up trying to talk to you. It's weird saying I like you when I don't know you, but I have this attraction to you. It's definatley a strange one, like I know it's not just physical, but I can't quite say what else it is. When I see you around other peoplee it really makes me wish that I was one of those girls who could get any guy she wanted, but I'm not changing who I am for you just so we're clear. It drives me crazy knowing that the chances of anything happeneing between us are 1 in 1 000 000 000. I'll get over it though so don't you worry, I just wanted you to know that you make me smile.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

first day back

so it wasnt so bad, kinda boring really. it may have had something to do with the fact that i was up at 5am though. so lets see how it went shall we??


so it was chill we did like an "autograph bingo" esque thingy. it was fun. we didnt really do much my teacher seems pretty nice too. we just filled out info and got and assingment thats due on thursday!! =[ first day and already an assingment, woot -_-


easy, lets start off by saying i saw someone thought he was cute and new, then realized i knew who he was!! so w/e then the one time we do group work and i dont wanna be in the same group as him i get put in the same group im like WTF are you kidding!! so then we get in our group and the fir alarm goes off and we stood outside til pretty much the end of the period.


BORING!! MOFO!! holy shit sooooo boring!! my teacher seems like a nutcase too!! hopefully she isnt too bad though but she did give us stupid questions like "what is the meaning of life" well not exactly like tht but very similar like wtf im 15 idk!! but w/e it ended quick cause lunch was inbetween my double period of religion.


that lunch is deeeeaaaaad like noone hass that lunch its so easy to just chill that way though!! it's quite lovely :p we just ate outside today and walked around


no dancing today because of a grade 9 assembly but tomorrow we get to start that kinda stuff we just talked and did some group questions but it was alot of fun, and im really looking forward to this class now. we get to choose where we go on our field trip its awsome. seems like it'll be lots of fun :)

so yeha maybe this school year wont be to bad but then again its only been one day and it didnt even feel like a different year. i didnt feel like we were in grade 10 it seemed like it was the same year after a weeks vacation. weird =S


Monday, September 7, 2009

the signs are here.

My signs that, yes, summer is comming to an end.

  • the burning bush outside is turning red, this only happens at the end of summer.
  • the lyrics for summer fades to fall by faber drive are making more and more sense
  • my neighbour who starts JK tomorrow has been carrying her school stuff around 24/7
  • I resent my uniform more then ever
  • there's stuff for lunch in the fridge for once
  • my neighbour who's a teacher is going back to work
  • i resent that my clock says its already noon
  • got my hair done for school
  • thinking of how my hair / makeup should be done
  • struggling to wake up early this past week
  • fall clothes are comming out in stores
  • i need new warm clothes
  • we've looked back at things we didnt get to do this summer and plan to do them next year
  • mom and i are arguing more
  • my fueding neighbours have stopped feuding
  • its not even 9 and it looks like it could be 10

ive watched all the kids on my street grow up so much, samantha starts JK tomorrow. knowing that in some small way i've helped them out makes me want to hold on to summer even more!! im sorry i wont get to see them on there first day back to school. but tomorrow should be an interesting day, summer was well spent and im really sad its over. but if this school year is like last in anyway i hope it goes by just as fast so next summer can happen soon. ive never been this emotional or wanted to cry this much because summer is over. this is the first year i can look back and say i did exciting new trying things, and have helped in some very special and important was, it wouldnt be a lie to say that summer of '09 has simply been a blast and i wish it would last forever. summer '09 will be missed <3
